Get a Tankless Water Dispenser in Singapore that Consumes a Minimal Amount of Energy Daily

Is your tank water dispenser racking up your electricity costs? Perhaps it’s time to get rid of it and replace it with a more energy-efficient alternative. Tankless water dispensers in Singapore are affordable, lightweight, and less energy-intensive.

Why you should invest in a tankless water dispenser in Singapore

How do tankless water dispensers work? Unlike tank dispensers that store your water in a container, these systems only contain a cooling and heating element. Its water will come from your main water supply, eliminating the need for water storage.

Here are some reasons you should install a tankless water dispenser in your home:

·         Obtain clean drinking water

Tankless water dispensers have built-in UV sterilisation and four-stage filtration systems. These features ensure your water is clean and safe, even if supplied by your primary water connection.

          In addition, the four-stage filtration process involves the following steps:

· Removal and absorption of chlorine, dirt, and organic matter using compressed activated carbon with sediment

· Removal of bacteria, viruses, and heavy metals using a 0.001-micron nanomembrane

·    Preservation of essential nutrients and minerals

·  Removal of remaining chlorine, volatile organic materials, and odour with high-purity activated carbon

As a result, you don’t have to worry about drinking contaminated water. 


·         Save energy

Tankless water dispensers can provide water on-demand. They can also dispense water according to your preferred temperature, ranging from4 ºC, 27 ºC, 40 ºC, and 87ºC.

However, tank water dispensers require heating& cooling round-the-clock to keep your water hot and cold. This can drastically increase your electricity costs, consuming up to 500W depending on the tank’s capacity.

·         Save space

Naturally, tankless dispensers take up less space than tank dispensers. In addition, they are incredibly lightweight, making them easier to install.

Do you need a tankless water dispenser in Singapore? Purchase the system from a qualified supplier offering high-quality products at reasonable prices!


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